AI & Museum

How can artificial intelligence enable users to experience the museum in a new way? How can cultural experiences be created with its help, or how can your own scientific, narrative and creative content be brought in? How can AI help to actively shape culture?

The Badisches Landesmuseum will work on the development of AI applications for digital museum visits in 2021-2023 as part of the Creative User Empowerment project. The aim of the project is to develop the digital tool iCurator (working title), which makes it easier to access and develop museum content and offers. Together with the Allard Pierson Amsterdam, a project funded by the Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM) will be carried out until the end of 2023.

The idea

The new culture of digitality is changing the use and requirements of cultural infrastructures. The possibilities of indexing, access to content and (international) communication open up new spaces for cultural practice. The museum's previous interpretative sovereignty is increasingly being expanded or even called into question by the diverse interpretations of the communities: Visitors want to become active users, bring in their own topics, be offered and design experiences individually, and deal creatively with the museum's content.

The basic idea of the project is that museums can put AI systems entirely at the service of their users in order to support them in dealing with and creatively dealing with objects in both museum and digital space. In addition to indexing and accessibility, ethical and social issues relating to the use of artificial intelligence are also negotiated.

For users

We invite users to actively participate in the development. In the course of the project there will be various options for helping to shape the results.

  1. Be a source of ideas
  2. Become a test user (from 06/2021)
  3. Become an AI developer for the Badisches Landesmuseum
  4. Become an AI trainer
  5. Become a citizen’s advisory council
  6. Become an advisory board member
  7. Become a cooperation partner
  8. Become a research or network partner
  9. Is your role not included yet?

If you are interested, please contact:

Sonja Thiel, Project Management (, +49 (0)721 926-8492)

Do you want to stay up to date? We report on the progress of the project in our newsletter and on the social media channels of the Badisches Landesmuseum.


Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20240726164334dfe986a9 Event:

Conference "Artificial Intelligence Cultures in the Museum" 1./2. Dec 22